Vector-borne Infectious Diseases in Climate Change Investigations (VICCI):
Project 8.3: Project Coordination
Project Director
Dr. Volker Fingerle, Dr. Christiane Klier and PD Dr. Andreas Sing;
Section Infectiology, National Reference Centre for Borreliae, Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleißheim
The focus of this project is the creation and maintenance of the homepage, the exchange of information within the research project and the frequent organisation of workshops and meetings. By means of symposia, presentations and publications, information on the potential danger of infection during outdoor activities is provided to interested and affected persons.
Further Information
- VICCI collaborative research project: aim, background, contact persons
Other VICCI Projects
- VICCI Project 1: Prospective Study on the Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. species in Ixodes ricinus in Bavaria
- VICCI Project 2: Monitoring Tick activity in Recreational Areas: Temporal and Spacial Dynamics and Dependence on Environmental Factors
- VICCI Project 3: Study and epidemiological Computermodelling on vector-borne infectious diseases in Bavaria
- VICCI Project 4: Risk assessment of tick-borne diseases in bavarian public parks
- VICCI Project 5: Study on the presence of rodent-transmitted zoonoses along a climate gradient in the Bavarian Forest National Park
- VICCI Project 6: Autochthonous Leishmaniasis in Bavaria: Studies of Vector Prevalence and of Animal Reservoirs
- VICCI Project 7: Biogeographical analysis of health-relevant species and projection of their spreading tendencies under changing climatic conditions in Bavaria
- VICCI Project 8.1: Study Center
- VICCI Project 8.2: Population-based epidemiological risk assessment for lyme disease, hantavirus and leishmaniasis in Bavaria in the context of climate change