Vector-borne Infectious Diseases in Climate Change Investigations (VICCI):

Project 2: Monitoring Tick activity in Recreational Areas: Temporal and Spacial Dynamics and Dependence on Environmental Factors

Project Director

PD Dr. Dr. Heinz Rinder, Philipp Bozem and Marvin Lüpke*;
Section TF3, Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleißheim; *Fakultät für Forstwissenschaft, Technische Universität München


Season and weather dependent Ixodes ricinus tick activity was monitored during 2009 in Southern Germany by standardized methods compatible to the EDEN procedures (flagging defined, 100 m² sized areas). With respect to Public Health, 6 different types of recreational areas were selected: Parks in a large city (Munich, central park "English Garden") and a smaller town (Herrsching, town park), along a popular hiking route in the Alps (Garmisch, mountain "Wank", 800 m altitude difference), inside a National Park ("Bayerischer Wald"), along a well-frequented river valley (river "Altmuehl"), and a forest area near a university (Freising).

In each location, four, six or eight 100 m² sites were marked, GPS coordinates taken, described in respect to vegetation and surroundings, and photographed. Temperatures and relative humidities were continously monitored within each sampling site using miniature data loggers ("iButtons"). Each site was probed for ticks once to four times per month.