Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2018
Ackermann, N., Marosevic, D., Hörmansdorfer, S., Eberle, U., Rieder, G., Treis, B., Berger, A., Bischoff, H., Bengs, K., Konrad, R., Hautmann, W., Schönberger, K., Belting, A., Schlenk, G., Margos, G., Hoch, M., Pürner, F., Fingerle, V., Liebl, B., Sing, A., Screening for infectious diseases among newly arrived asylum seekers, Bavaria, Germany, 2015. Eurosurveillance, 2018; 23(10): S.DOI/org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2014823.10.17-00176.
Althof, N., Trojnar, E., Böhm, T., Burkhardt, S., Carl, A., Contzen, M., Kilwinski, J., Mergemeier, S., Moor, D., Mäde, D., Johne, R., Interlaboratory validation of a method for hepatitis E virus RNA detection in meat and meat products. Food and Environmental Virology, 2018; .
Angay O, Friedrich M, Pinnecker J, Hintzsche H, Stopper H, Hempel K, Heinze KG, Image-based modeling and scoring of Howell-Jolly Bodies in human erythrocytes. Cytometry A, 2018; 93(3): S.305-313.
Bals, R., Boyd, J., Esposito, S., Foronjy, R., Hiemstra, P.S., Jiménez-Ruiz, C.A., Katsaounou, P., Lindberg, A., Metz, C., Schober, W., Spira, A., Blasi, F., Electronic cigarettes: a task force report from the European Respiratory Society. European Respiratory Journal, 2018; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01151-2018.
Bastiaannet, E., Charman, J., Johannesen, T.B., Schrodi, S., Siesling, S., van Eycken, L., et al., A European, Observational Study of Endocrine Therapy Administration in Patients with an Initial Diagnosis of Hormone Receptor-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer. Clin Breast Cancer, 2018; 18(4): S.613-619.
Bauer-Christoph, C., UV/VIS NanoPhotometer for authenticity testing of spirits. eFOODLab International, 2018; 01: S.20-22.
Beck, A., Jordan, L.K., Herlitze, S., Amtmann, A., Christian, J., Brogden, G., Adamek, M., Naim, H.Y., Becker, A.M., Quantification of sterols from carp cell lines by using HPLC–MS. Separation Science Plus, 2018; 1: S.11-21.
Berger, A., Dangel, A., Peters, M., Mühldorfer, K., Braune, S., Eisenberg, T., Szentiks, C.A., Rau, J., Konrad, R., Hörmansdorfer, S., Ackermann, N., Sing, A., Tox-positive Corynebacterium ulcerans in Hedgehogs . Emerg Microbes Infect, 2018; 8: S.211-216.
Blödt, S., Kaiser, M., Adam, Y., Adami, S., Schultze, M., Müller-Nordhorn, J., Holmberg, C., Understanding the role of health information in patients‘ experiences: secondary analysis of qualitative narrative interviews with people diagnosed with cancer in Germany. BMJ Open, 2018; 3: S.e019576.
Bödeker, M., Walking and Walkability in Pre-Set and Self-Defined Neighborhoods: A Mental Mapping Study in Older Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018; 15(7): S.DOI:10.3390/ijerph15071363.
Bödeker, M., Bucksch, J., Wallmann-Sperlich, B., Self-reported physical activity within and outside the neighborhood: Criterion-related validity of the Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire in German older adults. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science , 2018; 22(1): S.61-69.
Bödeker, M., Finne, E., Kerr, J., Bucksch, J., Active travel despite motorcar access. A city-wide, GIS-based multilevel study on neighborhood walkability and active travel in Germany. Journal of Transport & Health, 2018; 9: S. 8-18.
Boehmer, T., Vogler, A.J., Thomas, A., Sauer, S., Hergenroether, M., Straubinger, R.K., Birdsell, D., Keim, P., Sahl, J.W., Williamson, C.H.D., Riehm, J.M., Phenotypic characterization and whole genome analysis of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing bacteria isolated from dogs in Germany . PlosONE, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206252: S.8.
Bokemeyer, C., Busse, R., Engel, J., Gebauer, A., Hallek, M., Heinemann, V., Lüftner, D., Wörmann, B., Der ältere Krebspatient - Herausforderungen im Krankenhaus und in der Praxis. Oncol Res Treat, 2018; 41(3): S.2-26.
Brandl, M., Böhmer, M.M., Brandstetter, S., Finger, T., Fischer, W., Pfeifer, M., Apfelbacher, C., Factors associated with generic health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a cross-sectional study. J Thorac Dis, 2018; 10(2): S.766-775.
Breuer, W., Zimmermann, P., Neubauer-Juric, A., Hafner-Marx, A., Cerebral abscesses in a European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) caused by infection with Pasteurella canis. Berliner Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 2018; 131(3/4): S.121-123.
Brockhoff, G., Seitz, S., Weber, F., Zeman, F., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Ortmann, O., Wege, A.K., The presence of PD-1 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in triple negative breast cancers is associated with a favorable outcome of disease. Oncotarget, 2018; 9(5): S.6201-6212.
Brockow, I., Nennstiel, U., Neugeborenen-Screening auf Mukoviszidose. pädiatrische Praxis, 2018; 90(4): S.559-569.
Brockow,I., Söhl,K., Nennstiel, U., Newborn hearing screening in Bavaria - is it possible to reach the quality parameters?. Int. J. Neonatal Screen. , 2018; .
Burgmann, M., Hermelink, K., Farr, A., van Meegen, F., Engel, J., et al., Evaluation of Reproductive Concerns and Biographical Impact of Breast Cancer in Young Patients. Breast Care, 2018; 13(2): S.126-130.
Busert, L.K., Mütsch, M., Kein, C., Flatz, A., Griebler, U., Wildner, M., Stratil, J.M., Rehfuess, E., Facilitating evidence uptake: Development and user testing of a systematic review summary format to inform public health decision-making in German speaking countries. Health Research Policy and Systems, 2018; 16: S.59.
Campbell, J.L. Jr., Yoon, M., Ward, P.L., Fromme, H., Kessler, W., Phillips, M.B., Anderson, W.A., Clewell, H.J. 3rd., Longnecker, M.P., Excretion of Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) metabolites in urine is related to body mass index because of higher energy intake in the overweight and obese. . Environ Int, 2018; 113: S.91-99.
Corbeil, J., Messelhäußer, U., Reese, S., Bucher, M., Gareis, M., Drees, N., Hygienic quality of porcine slaughter by-products. Fleischwirtschaft, 2018; 12: S.97-102.
Corradini, S., Pazos, M., Schönecker, S., Reitz, D., Schrodi, S., Engel, J., et al., Role of postoperative radiotherapy in reducing ipsilateral recurrence in DCIS: an observational study of 1048 cases. Radiat Oncol, 2018; 13(1): S.25.
Dangel, A., Berger, A., Konrad, R., Bischoff, H., Sing, A., Geographically Diverse Clusters of Nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae Infection, Germany, 2016-2017. Emerg Infect Dis., 2018; 24(7): S.1239-1245.
De Boniface, J., Schmidt, M., Engel, J., Smidt, M.L., Offersen, B.V., Reimer, T., What is the best management of cNOpN1(sn) breast cancer patients?. Breast Care, 2018; 13(5): S.331-336.
Draeger, T., Völkel, V., Gerken, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Fürst, A., Long-term oncologic outcomes after laparoscopic versus open rectal cancer resection: a high-quality population-based analysis in a Southern German district. Surg Endosc, 2018; : S.doi: 10.1007/s00464-018-6148-6.
Dreher, A., Weilnhammer, V., Gerstner, D., Hendrowarsito, L., Twardella, D., Reiter, C., Perez-Alverez, C., Steffens, T., Herr, C., Heinze, S., Longitudinal analysis of leisure noise exposure among adolescents with special focus on portable listening devices: The OHRKAN cohort study. International Journal of Audiology, 2018; 57(12).
Eisenberger, D., Carl, A., Balsliemke, J., Kämpf, P., Nickel, S., Schulze, G., Valenza, G., Molecular Characterization of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates from Milk Samples of Dairy Cows with Mastitis in Bavaria, Germany . Microbial Drug Resistance, 2018; 24(4): S.505-510.
Engel, A.,Buhrke, T.,Völkel, W.,Lampen, A., The urinary metabolites of DINCH®have an impact on the activities of the human nuclear receptors ERα ERβ AR, PPARα and PPARγ. Toxicology Letters, 2018; 287: S.83-91.
Engel, C., Rhiem, K., Hahnen, E., Loibl, S., Weber, K.E., Engel, J., et al., Prevalence of pathogenic BRCA1/2 germline mutations among 802 women with unilateral triple-negative breast cancer without family cancer history. BMC Cancer, 2018; 18(1): S.265.
Enkelmann, J., Böhmer, M., Fingerle, V., Siffczyk, C., et al., Incidence of notified Lyme borreliosis in ermany, 2013-2017. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8: S.DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33136-0.
Ewert, T., Nölp, P., Die Internationale Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF) und ihre Verankerung in der deutschen Sozialgesetzgebung . Recht undPraxis der Rehabilitation, 2018; 5(3): S.5-12.
Fischer, W., Brandstetter, S., Brandl, M., Finger, T., Böhmer, M.M., Pfeifer, M., Apfelbacher, C., Specific, but not general beliefs about medicines are associated with medication adherence in patients with COPD, but not asthma: Cohort study in a population of people with chronic pulmonary disease. J Psychosom Res, 2018; 107: S.46-52.
Fromme, H., Mi, W., Lahrz, T., Kraft, M., Aschenbrenner, B., Bruessow, B., Ebinghaus, R., Xie, Z., Fembacher, L., Occurrence of carbazoles in dust and air samples from different locations in Germany. . Sci Total Environ, 2018; 610-611: S.412-418.
Gabrys, L., Heidemann, C., Schmidt, C., Baumer, J., Teti, A., Du, Y., Paprott, R., Zise, T., Bander, W., Böhme, M., Borrmann, B., Busse, R., Freitag, M., Hagen, B., Holl, R., Icks, A., Kaltheuner, M., Koch, K., Kümmel, S., Kuhn, J., Kuß, O., Laux, G., Schubert, I., Szecseny, J., Uebel, T., Zahn, D., Scheidt-Nave, C., Diabetes-Surveillance in Deutschland - Auswahl und Definition von Indikatoren. Journal of Health Monitoring, 2018; 3(3): S.3-22.
Geiss, K., Meyer, M., Regional comparison of cancer incidence, mortality and survival on the level of federal states in Germany using funnel plots. European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2018; : S.DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000446.
Georg, I., Wildner, M., Modellierung der Effektivität von Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen zur Elimination der Masern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der nach 1970 geborenen Erwachsenen. Das Gesundheitswesen, 2018; 80: S.DOI: 10.1055/a-0668-5781.
Gofton, A.W., Margos, G., Fingerle, V., Hepner, S., et, al., Genome-wide analysis of Borrelia turcia and Cansisatus Borrelia tachyglossi shows relapsing fever-like geomes with unique genomic links to Lyme disease Borrelia. Infection Genetics ans Evolution, 2018; 66: S.72-81.
Gonzales, M.M., Cabrerizo, F.M., Baiker, A., Erra-Balsells, R., Osterman, A., Nitschko, H., Vizoso-Pinto, M.G., β-Carboline derivatives as novel antivirals for herpes simplex virus. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2018; 52: S.459-468.
Gramer, G., Nennstiel, U., Hoffmann, G.F., 50 Jahre Neugeborenen-Screening in Deutschland. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 2018; 166(166): S.987-993.
Groen, J.V., Sibinga Mulder, B.G., van Eycken, E., Valerianova, Z., Schlesinger-Raab, A., et al., Differences in Treatment and Outcome of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Stage I and II in the EURECCA Pancreas Consortium. Ann Surg Oncol, 2018; 25(12): S.3492-3501.
Gürtler, P., Pecoraro, S., Naumann, H., Busch, U., Development of a new qPCR method for specific detection and quantification of genetically modified maize MON863. Food Control, 2018; 90: S.466-471.
Habarta, C., Sysoltseva, M., Eckert, S., Fembacher, L., Frenzen, A., Wolf, J., Winterhalter, R., Scheu, C., Fromme, H., Innenraumluftqualität beim Betrieb von Ethanolöfen. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, 2018; 9: S.375-382.
Heckl, M., Schmoeckel, E., Hertlein, L., Rottmann, M., Jeschke, U., Mayr, D., The ARID1A, p53 and u-Catenin statuses are strong prognosticators in clear cell and endometrioid carcinoma oh the ovary and the endometrium. PLoS One, 2018; 13(2): S.e0192881.
Hille, K., Felski, M., Ruddat, I., Hörmansdorfer, S., Messelhäußer, U., et al., Association of farm-related factors with characteristics profiles of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase/ plasmid-mediated AmpC ß-lactamase producing Escherichia coli isolates from German livestock farms. Veterinary Microbiology, 2018; 233(): S.93-99.
Hintzsche H, Montag G, Stopper H., Induction of micronuclei by four cytostatic compounds in human hematopoietic stem cells and human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8(1): S.3371.
Hoffmann, T., Sharon, O., Wittmann, J., Carr, R.W., Vyshnevska, A., Col, R., Nassar, M.A., Reeh, P.W., Weidner, C., NaV1.7 and pain: contribution of peripheral nerves. Pain, 2018; 159(3): S.496-506.
Hofmann, H.S., Braess, J., Leipelt, S., Allgäuer, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Szoeke, T., Grosser, C., Pfeifer, M., Ried, M. , Multimodality therapy in subclassified stage IIIA–N2 non-small cell lung cancer patients according to the Robinson classification: heterogeneity and management. J Thorac Di , 2018; : S.doi: 10.21037/jtd.2018.05.203.
Hollederer, A., Wildner, M. , Subjektive Gesundheit und Erwerbslosigkeit in Deutschland auf Basis der EU-SILC-Daten von 2005 bis 2014. Das Gesundheitswesen, 2018; 80: S.DOI: 10.1055/a-0725-8164.
Hölscher, G., Beck, A., Huber, T.M., Koletzko, B., Nennstiel, U. , DGSPJ-P014 Dein Ticket zur J1-Untersuchung – erste Ergebnisse zur Evaluation der Informationskampagne . Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde , 2018; 166(Suppl 2): S.156.
Ismail A, Gonçalves BL, de Neeff DV, Ponzilacqua B, Coppa CFSC, Hintzsche H, Sajid M, Cruz AG, Corassin CH, Oliveira CAF., Aflatoxin in foodstuffs: Occurrence and recent advances in decontamination. Food Research International, 2018; 113: S.74-85.
Köck, D., Huber, S., Hanifi, N., Köster, M., Schierling, M., Höller, C., Occurrence of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Therapy Pools and Surrounding Surfaces. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health., 2018; 15(12): S.2666.
Köhler, N., Baiker, A., Busch, U. , Details matter for lab kit contaminants. Nature, 2018; 555: S.587.
Kowalczyk,J., Numata, J., Zimmermann,B.,Klinger,R.,Habedank,F.,Just,P., Schafft,H.,Lahrssen-Wiederholt,M., Suitability of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) as a Bioindicator for Environmental Pollution with Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018; 75(4): S.594-606.
Kuhn, J., Zapf, A., Berufliche Aufgaben und Perspektiven im ÖGD. Public Health Forum, 2018; 26(1): S.20-22.
Kutzora, S., Puerto Valencia, L., Weber,A., Hendrowarsito, L., Nennstiel-Ratzel, U., Herr, C., Heinze, S., Residential crowding and asthma in preschool children, a cross-sectional study . Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 2018; .
Kutzora, S., Weber, A., Heinze, S., Hendrowarsito, L., Nennstiel-Ratzel, U., von Mutius, E., Fuchs, N., Herr, C., Asthmatic/wheezing phenotypes in preschool children: Influential factors, health care and urban-rural differences. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2018; 221(2): S.293-299.
Lamprecht, S., Kaller, M., Schmidt, E.M., Blaj, C., Schiergens, T., Engel, J., et al., PBX3 is part of an EMT regulatory network in colorectal cancer and indicates poor outcome. Clin Cancer Res, 2018; 24(8): S.1974-1986.
Le Thi, T.G., Heissenhuber, A., Schneider, T., Schulz, R., Herr, C., Nennstiel, U., Hölscher, G., The impact of migration background on the health outcomes of preschool children: Linking a cross-sectional survey within the framework of health monitoring units to the school entrance health examination database in Bavaria, Germany. Das Gesundheitswesen, 2018; 80: S.DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-119081.
Liebig-Hörl, G., Puchner, C., Gerken, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Fürst, A., Therapeutische Strategie bei Frühkarzinomen im Rektum (T1-Karzinom). Chirurg, 2018; : S.doi: 10.1007/s00104-018-0603-8.
Liebl, B., Heinze, S., Herr, C., Hintzsche, H., Zapf, A., Fromme, H., Beurteilungswerte für Schadstoffe Einschätzung des Gesundheitsrisikos. Bayerisches Ärzteblatt, 2018; 12/2018: S.716-718.
Lohr, B., Fingerle, V., Norris, D.E., Hunfeld, K.P., Laboratory diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis: Current state of the art and future perspectives. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, 2018; 55(4): S.219-245.
Ludwig, M.-S., Nennstiel, U., Liebl, B., Zapf, A., Kouros, B., Feil, F., Impfwissen und Impfschutz des med. Personals - ein erster Schwerpunkt der von Bund und Ländern getragenenen Nationalen Lenkungsgrupsse Impfen (NaLI). Monat Kinderheilkunde, 2018; Suppl 2: S.115-116.
Ludwig, M.-S., Röbl-Mathieu, M., Frühwein, N., Roggendorf, H., Jilg, W., Bader, L., Hofner, M., Schelling, J., Silchinger, C., Kalies, H., Fischer, R., 5. Bayerische Impfwoche 2018 Schutz des Neugeborenen: Ihr Impfschutz ist auch sein Schutz. Bayerisches Ärzteblatt , 2018; 4: S.174-176.
Margos, G., Gofton, A., Wibberg, D., Dangel, A., Marosevic, D., Fingerle, V., et al., The genus Borrelia reloaded. PLOS ONE, 2018; : S.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208432.
McElhinney, L., Marston, D., Wise, E., Freuling, C., Bourhy, H., Zanoni, R., Moldal, T., Kooi, E., Neubauer-Juric, A., Nokireki, T., Müller, T., Fooks, A., Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution of European Bat Lyssavirus 2. Int J Mol Sci, 2018; Jan 5;19(156): S.16.
Mechai, S., Margos, G., Feil, E.J., Lindsay, L.R., Michel, P., Kotchi, S.O., Ogden, N.H., Evidence for an effect of landscape connectivity on Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto dispersion in an zone of range expansion. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 2018; 9(6): S.1407-1415.
Meinel, D.M., Heinzinger, S., Eberle, U., Ackermann, N., Schönberger, K., Sing, A., Whole genome sequencing identifies influenza A H3N2 transmission and offers superior resolution to classical typing methods. Infection, 2018; 46: S.69-76.
Modrow, S., Buxmann, H., Enders, M., Gembruch, U., Gölz, R., Hamprecht, K., Huzly, D., Kummer, P., Kagan, K.-O., Knuf, M., Mertens, T., Nennstiel, U., Roll, C., Wojcinski, M., Management der kongenitalen Zytomegalievirus-Infektion bei Neugeborenen. Kinder- und Jugendarzt, 2018; 49(3): S.107-116.
Morlock, G., Nairz, F., Hölscher, G., Nennstiel, U., DGSPJ-P010 Vorschulische Sprachförderung nach Artikel 5 des Bayerischen Integrationsgesetzes . Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde , 2018; 166(Suppl 2): S.154-155.
Münch, S., Habermehl,D., Agha, A., Eckel, R., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Engel, J., et al., Perioperative chemotherapy vs. neoadjuvant chemoradiation in gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: a populaion-based evaluation of the Munic Cancer Registry. Strahlenther Onkol, 2018; 194(2): S.125-135.
Munker, S., Gerken, M.,Fest, P., Ott, C., Schnoy, E., Fichtner-Feigl, S., Wiggermann, P., Vogelhuber, M., Herr, W., Stroszczynski, C., Schlitt, H.J., Evert, M., Reng, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Teufel, A. , Chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer: no effect on survival when the dose is reduced due to side effects. BMC Cancer, 2018; 18(1): S.455.
Nairz, F., Hölscher, G., Morlock, G., Nennstiel, U., DGSPJ-P003 Elternfragebögen zu Grenzsteinen der kindlichen Entwicklung im Alter von 4 bis 6 Jahren – Sind die abgefragten Grenzsteine aktuell? . Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 2018; 166(Suppl 2): S.152.
Neumann, J., Heinemann, V., Engel, J., Kirchner, T., Stintzing, S., The prognostic impact of CDX2 correlates with the underlying mismatch repair status and BRAF mutational status but not with distant metastasisin colorectal cancer. Virchows Arch, 2018; 473(2): S.199-207.
Nöcker, G., Kuhn, J., Kindergesundheit vor Ort gemeinsam gestalten!. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 2018; 61(10): S.1205-1206.
Oßmann, B., Sarau, G., Holtmannspötter, H., Pischetsrieder, M., Christiansen, S., Dicke, W., Small-sized microplastics and pigmented particles in bottled mineral water. Water Research, 2018; 141: S.307-3016.
Ott, C., Gerken, M., Hirsch, D., Fest, P., Fichtner-Feigl, S., Munker, S., Schnoy, E., Stroszczynski, C., Vogelhuber, M., Herr, W., Evert, M., Reng, M., Jürgen Schlitt, H.J., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Teufel, A. , Advanced mucinous colorectal cancer: epidemiology, prognosis and efficacy of chemotherapeutic treatment. Digestion, 2018; 98: S.143-152.
Papathemelis, T., Hassas, D., Gerken, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Scharl, A., Lux, M.P., Beckmann, M.W., Scharl, S., Is there a benefit of lymphadenectomy for overall and recurrence-free survival in type I FIGO IB G1-2 endometrial carcinoma? A retrospective population-based cohort analysis. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2018; : S.doi: 10.1007/s00432-018-2715-4.
Papathemelis, T., Jablonsky, E., Hauzenberger, T., Scharl, A., Gerken, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Hipp, M., Scharl, S. , Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in breast cancer patients by means of indocyanine green (ICG) using the Karl Storz VITOM fluorescence camera. BioMed Res Int, 2018; : S.doi.org/10.1155/2018/6251468.
Piso, P., Stierstorfer, K., Gerken, M., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M. , Benefit of cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with isolated peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis, 2018; : S.doi: 10.1007/s00384-018-3146-z.
Reimer, T., Engel, J., Schmidt, M., Offersen, B.V., Smidt, M.L., Gentilini, O.D., Is Axillary Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Required in Patients Who Undergo Primary Breat Surgery?. Breast Care, 2018; 13(5): S.324-330.
Reinert, C., Rathberger, K., Klinkhammer‑Schalke, M., Kölbl, O., Proescholdt, M., Riemenschneider, M.J., Schuierer, G., Hutterer, M., Gerken, M., Hau, P., Information needs and requirements in patients with brain tumours and their relatives. J Neuro-Oncol, 2018; 138(2): S.doi: 10.1007/s11060-018-2811-y.
Reisig, V., Kuhn, J., Präventionsindikatorensatz Bayern - Eckdaten zur Prävention für Bayern und seine Regionen. Journal of Health Monitoring, 2018; S2: S.15.
Reisig, V., Kuhn, J., Poppe, F., Caselmann, W.H., Aufbau einer Präventionsberichterstattung in Bayern - Konzept und erste Umsetzungsschritte. Gesundheitswesen, 2018; 80: S.43-49.
Rupprecht, T.A., Manz, K.M., Fingerle, V., Lechner, C., et al., Diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid CXCL13 for acute Lyme neuroborreliosis. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2018; 24(12): S.1234-1240.
Rüther, T., Hagedorn, D., Schiela, K., Schettgen, T., Osiander-Fuchs, H., Schober, W., Nicotine delivery efficiency of first- and second-generation e-cigarettes and its impact on relief of craving during the acute phase of use. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2018; 221(2): S.191-198.
Scharl, S., Papathemelis, T., Kronberger, K., Gerken, M., Scharl, A., Kölbl, O., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Does post-operative radiochemotherapy improve survival in high-grade endometrial cancer patients? Results of a population-based cohort analysis of a cancer registry. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2018; 297(5): S.1245-1253.
Schmidt, F.M., Wildner, M., Übersicht über die Organisation des vertragsärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienstes in Deutschland: Auf welche Basis bauen Krankenhausstrukturgesetz und Versorgungsstärkungsgesetz auf?. Das Gesundheitswesen, 2018; : S.DOI: 10.1055/a-0725-8193.
Schubert-Fritschle, G., Eckel, R., Engel, J., Epidemiologie seltener Formern von Hodgkin- und Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen. TumorDiagn u Ther, 2018; 39(4): S.231-234.
Seliger, C., Luber, C., Gerken, M., Schaertl, J., Proescholdt, M., Riemenschneider, M.J., Meier, C.R., Bogdahn, U., Leitzmann, M.F., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Hau, P., Use of metformin and survival of patients with high-grade glioma. Int J Cancer , 2018; : S.doi: 10.1002/ijc.31783.
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